Keeping TDC Money Local
This past weekend I attended and participated in the 61st annual Conch Shell Blowing Contest, which is a favorite event among locals. There are so many ways that the Tourist Development Council, known as the TDC, helps to contribute to the culture of the Keys, just like this, that make our island chain so unique. The TDC gives to the arts, they sponsor distinctive island events and help us to preserve what makes us different.
Chris competing at the 61st Annual Conch Shell Blowing Contest
Imagine if the TDC kept more of their budget in the Keys, helping businesses locally? For example, the TDC currently gives to local theaters to help promote their shows in our community, however any additional funds must be spent to promote the theater outside of the Keys. There are massive restrictions on how to spend the TDC dollars, many of which are not directly helping to keep these businesses in business. What if the TDC could specifically supplement actors’ incomes, allowing the theaters to flourish while helping residents that want to be a part of the cultural and artistic expression, the ability to make this a career, allowing them to afford housing? If we want to keep our artists from leaving the Keys, we have to start asking what else is possible.
The TDC I want to see is the one that supports and puts locals first. There is always going to be a need for advertising outside of the Keys to maintain our image and draw in tourists, but what that image is, is up to us. There will always be a role for the TDC and we are fortunate it is so well funded, but we are at a point where it’s time to clean house and ensure your tax dollars are being used the right way.
“The TDC I want to see is the one that supports and puts locals first.”
The TDC’s advertising budget from 2023 to 2024 increased by $18 million with no explanation as to why. That is an incredible amount of money for the current BOCC to approve without any questions. And that is what I will do if I am elected for County Commissioner. I will ask WHY and I will be LOUD. I want our residents to know exactly what budget increases are for and why they are necessary. It is so important for our leaders to represent the people in the community that need it most and not just make the easy decisions that create the corruption and mismanagement we are currently seeing with the TDC.
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Chris Massicotte