Your Vote Matters!
After reflecting on Thursday’s State of the Union address, it compelled me to drive home the idea that your vote matters. It is important to educate ourselves on issues that matter to us and our community. Presidents do that at the national level in the annual State of the Union. Closer to home local candidates and elected officials talk about issues that are more specific to us as a community. Housing was only given a brief mention during the State of the Union, but here in the Florida Keys it is at the top of our minds each and every day. Just over the weekend two more of my friends announced that they would be leaving the Keys because they could not find a place to live that they could afford.
House in the Florida Keys
While the presidential race may take up most of the news that you see, what matters more to your day to day life are your local elected officials. Your vote for President is going to be 1 in 180 million. Your vote for County Commissioner is going to be 1 in 46,000, where it matters so much more. Your vote and your voice is powerful. Learn what your local candidates stand for, regardless of party, and make that powerful voice heard.
If you can’t make it, please feel free contact me directly at 305-394-1108. I’m happy to have a phone conversation, meet in person, or speak to a group to answer questions and discuss why I am the best person to be the next County Commissioner for District 3. And as always, we appreciate your support in helping to get our message out and cut through all of the other noise.
Chris Massicotte