Asking the tough questions to protect your hard-earned dollars.

Hello, friends!

I am pleased to announce that I am running to be your next Monroe County Commission in District 3. Watch my video to learn more about why I decided to run and the issues that matter most!

Hi, I’m Chris.

I'm running for County Commissioner District 3 because our county's money matters have gone haywire in the last two years, and the folks in charge haven't done anything about it. With my background as a former accountant and auditor, I'll be the one to ask the tough questions and make sure every dollar you worked hard for is spent wisely.

One of the biggest problems in the Keys is the corruption at the highest levels of our County. From the mismanagement of the TDC and budget increases for favored contractors to the recent indictments over the theft of 600 vials of narcotics—including fentanyl—and the cover-ups that followed, our County Commissioners have been wasting our hard earned tax dollars. I will be the change our residents need to get Monroe County back on track, preventing these issues instead of reacting to them like the current BOCC, who’ve been asleep at the wheel for far too long.


  • An accountant and former auditor with PricewaterhouseCoopers. 

  • A Community leader and activist and board member with Fair Insurance Rates for Monroe and Key West AIDS Memorial 

  • A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania with a Masters Degree in Government Administration


  • Be the fiscal conservative on the BOCC

  • Respect your hard-earned tax dollars and find ways to reduce spending

  • Ask the tough questions

  • Engage with the county staff to create the most effective and efficient government to build our future.


Contact Chris

“Have a question about my position, the BOCC’s history of not asking questions, or if you want to volunteer, contact me below and I will reach out as soon as possible!”