Thank You to Our First 100 Donors!
Yesterday we filed our first quarterly campaign finance report and we are thrilled to say that we reached our goal of 100 donors in the first quarter and we out-raised our opponent Jim Scholl 6 to 1!
The total number of donors to a campaign is a critical measure of momentum for a campaign before any votes are cast, and we clearly have the momentum. We had donors from the Keys, from Republicans and Democrats alike, and from friends and family outside the Keys who share our love for these islands.
“We had donors from the Keys, from Republicans and Democrats alike, and from friends and family outside the Keys who share our love for these islands. ”
Running a 130 mile campaign is not easy or inexpensive. We are dedicated to ensuring our message of transparency with local government, lowering taxes and ending runaway spending reaches every voter possible, and we can only do that with your help.
The funds we raise now will help us make direct contact with voters, give us the ability to do a deep dive into what locals want from their government and to be visible from Key West to Key Largo.
If you have not yet donated and are thinking about it, now is the time! You can donate a maximum of $1000 per person AND $1000 from your business. In order to run the best campaign we can, we need to raise $40,000 this quarter and every dollar donated helps. If you have already donated, thank you! If you have any questions or would like to hear more about our campaign, please contact me directly at or by phone at 305-394-1108.
Thank you again for your support!