Our Coral is in Dire Need!
Happy Conch Republic Days! As we celebrate 42 years of the Conch Republic, it’s important we discuss the future of our island’s environment to ensure it is protected over the next 42 years. To kick off the week-long celebration, I attended Ocean Fest where I met so many organizations, conservationists, scientists and volunteers who are trying to preserve and restore what’s left of our precious coral reef.
Recently the Keys Citizen printed an article describing the ongoing global coral bleaching event which is the second in the last 10 years and the fourth on record. However, it stated the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and its coral restoration partners are preparing to take action to stay ahead of future bleaching and protect coral nurseries.
I have been diving in the Keys for about 8 years and the amount of live coral we have lost in just that time is astounding. I have seen it for myself. This is not something that will be fixed overnight, or even with restoration work. It is going to take change Keys-wide, by the State of Florida and globally if we want to make a real impact on this devastating occurrence. Coral can recover as we saw during COVID, but it’s going to be a mass effort.
Diving in the Keys
The implications coral bleaching will have on our island chain is too dire to think about if we do not all get involved and ACT! Our economy, tourism, restaurant industry and related jobs all rely on sustaining and restoring the coral. As your commissioner, I will put our ecosystem, the environment and the livelihood of all those that depend on it first! To discuss this issue further with me, contact me at chris@chrisformonroe.com or by phone at 305-394-1108.
Please help our campaign get our message out and donate today. We need to continue to give a voice to this serious and eminent matter!
Thank you again for your continuous support!