After the release of the Grand Jury report on recent indictments it is appalling to read about the current Board of County Commissioners’ gross negligence and lack of oversight that allowed a drug theft scandal to fester within the Trauma Star and Monroe County Fire Rescue services.
The recent findings from the grand jury are a damning indictment of our county's leadership. The theft of powerful narcotics by Monroe County Fire Rescue staff under the nose of our current County Commissioners is not just a scandal—it's a betrayal of the public's trust. This is yet another glaring example of corruption and mismanagement in our county, and it highlights the urgent need for new leadership that will hold people accountable and ensure that our public services operate with integrity.
According to the grand jury's report, the Commissioners had the Clerk’s audit report from May 2023 and still failed to implement basic safeguards, such as accurate record-keeping and routine audits, that could have prevented these thefts.
“Instead, they allowed a culture of leaders abusing power and creating an “unhealthy, almost tyrannical environment” to take root, endangering the safety and well-being of Monroe County residents. ”
As a former auditor and accountant, I know the importance of oversight and transparency. These failures could have been easily prevented with proper checks and balances. The Monroe County Commissioners have shown that they are either unwilling or incapable of providing the oversight necessary to protect our community. The people of Monroe County deserve better.
Fighting corruption has been the cornerstone of my campaign, and I vow to bring accountability back to Monroe County if elected. The Commissioners' job is to ensure that our public services are run efficiently and safely. They have failed in that duty. When I'm elected, I will prioritize transparency, demand regular audits, and ensure that every department in this county is held to the highest standards of accountability.
I plan to restore trust in Monroe County's government, fight over development, and preserve the unique character of the Florida Keys.
Monroe County is at a crossroads. We can either continue down the path of corruption and mismanagement, or we can choose leaders who will stand up for what is right and restore the public's faith in our government. This November, I’m asking for your vote to help put Monroe County back on track.
For more information about my campaign and plan to restore integrity in Monroe County, visit
Click HERE for the full article from the Keys Weekly and HERE for the article from Keys West Citizen.