FIRM Heads to Tallahassee to Fight Insurance Rate Hike!
The Florida Keys, known for its stunning beauty and unique lifestyle, faces skyrocketing property insurance costs. As a board member of FIRM (Fair Insurance Rates for Monroe), I see firsthand how difficult it is to get the state to address Citizens Insurance exploiting our island chain.
FIRM, a grassroots organization founded in 2006, fights for fair and affordable insurance rates for Monroe County residents. We empower locals to make informed decisions about insurance, claims, and storm preparedness. Without FIRM, windstorm insurance costs would likely be double what they are today.
On Thursday, August 1, FIRM President Mel Montagne will attend a public hearing in Tallahassee to oppose a proposed 14% rate hike by Citizens Insurance, set to start in 2025. While primary homeowners' rate hikes are capped at 14%, secondary homeowners could face increases of 50% or more, making it even harder for middle-class residents and renters to afford living here. This is one more cost that our renters and core residents are forced to burden due to decisions outside of their control.
We need our local BOCC to control property tax increases to keep rent affordable. As a dedicated advocate on the FIRM board, I ask for your vote in November to become the next County Commissioner. Together, we can fight to keep costs down and make the Florida Keys affordable for all.
To speak with me directly on this issue, email me at or call me at 305-394-1108. To donate to my campaign, visit Please forward this email to anyone interested in joining our campaign.