Corruption at the highest levels:
Mismanagement of the TDC and budget increases for favored contractors
The theft of 600 vials of narcotics—including fentanyl—and the cover-ups that followed from our County leaders
Runaway budget of $715M for just 83,000 residents, repeatedly increasing costs of living to our middle class and renters, driving them out of the Keys.
Decisions made in favor of big developers or contractors, against residents’ wants or needs such as the Publix in Tavernier or doubling the Waste Management contract without an RFP requirement to renew
Disregarding safety concerns by rejecting traffic studies, allowing builders to circumvent traffic mitigation
Lack of oversight with no audit schedule for contracted entities of Monroe County.
Donations to current BOCC member’s campaigns from the same developers and contractors that are being protected.
A multitude of problems due to the lack of oversight from our County Commissioners have resulted in wasting taxpayer dollars:

Just a few of our recent local headlines.
It’s time for change.
To learn more about my stances on local issues, click here.

I will be the change our residents need to get Monroe County back on track, preventing these issues instead of reacting to them like the current BOCC, who’ve been asleep at the wheel for far too long.
As an accountant and former auditor, with a Masters Degree in Government Administration, I am experienced, prepared and ready to listen to what residents want, making your voices heard.
What we do today will affect what the Keys are like in 20 years, and it’s time we make the decision for change that will ensure sustainability for our future.