Your Support is Critical
Today I want to discuss why I am the right candidate for your support. There are critical issues that need to be addressed at the County Commission level to ensure the future sustainability of the Florida Keys. I am running as a Democrat, because I do believe there is a place for government in improving the lives of its residents. One thing I do not believe in is wasting taxpayers’ money. I am THE fiscal conservative of this race.
Even though this is a partisan race, the further down the ballot you go, the less the party matters. What matters is solutions to the problems that will affect all of us like runaway spending, and taxes, affordable workforce housing options, smart infrastructure decisions and ensuring each dollar is spent responsibly. The results of the TDC audit is a prime example of wasteful spending and there are more audits to come.
“I am THE fiscal conservative of this race. ”
All voters, regardless of party, can agree that we don’t want to see our county government wasting our hard earned tax dollars, and I am planning on appealing to every voter in the Florida Keys. However, I cannot do this without your support. Please help us get our message out by contributing to the campaign by clicking the button below or go to to learn more about why I am the right candidate to elect for County Commissioner, District 3.
Chris Massicotte