March BOCC Meeting Recapped
I attended the most recent ROGO workshop and BOCC meeting this past Wednesday. I was left feeling anxious for the future sustainability of the Florida Keys. It is essential that we are informed of the important decisions being made, so I wanted to recap the meeting for you.
The ROGO (Rate of Growth Ordinance) workshop was the first of many to come to help give the current Commissioners the guidance on the number of building permits that will be requested from the State. I want to stress the incredible implications this could have on our community if we do not make our voices heard. My opponent, Jim Scholl, had next to no input during this workshop while all the other commissioners were engaged and asking questions. As your commissioner, I will make sure I am vocal and active on your behalf.
The ROGO ordinance that was adopted in 1992 to promote the safety for residents to be able to evacuate in a 24-hour period due to hurricanes as well as to protect our fragile natural resources is a huge concern of mine. It’s not the number of building permits that are allocated, but HOW those are distributed. This is where YOU can ensure the BOCC listens to their constituents regarding quality of life, prioritizing full-time residents and not allowing your safety to be jeopardized.
Click HERE to review the latest workshop presentation. I will be sure to keep you up to date on the next meeting!
Residents need to be able to evacuate in a 24 hour period.
During the regularly scheduled meeting that directly followed the ROGO workshop, it was made clear that the third party auditors of the TDC have facilitated their audit as far as they are able to, and in order to complete it, they require an interview with the Marketing Director, who has been on paid leave since November when investigations began at the salary of $17,000 per month. However, she had yet to comply with the auditors as of Wednesday.
“The Marketing Director, who has been on paid leave since November when investigations began at the salary of $17,000 per month. However, she had yet to comply with the auditors as of Wednesday. ”
This infuriates me as a taxpayer and a resident. We should be outraged that a better job was not done in holding the staff accountable by our leaders. Ultimately, the BOCC is responsible for the TDC and appointing their Board, and it leads me to wonder WHY there has not been more action taken. The public is lacking faith in our ability to control this disaster and mismanagement of millions of dollars, and yet there only appears to be a mild amount of exasperation. I find this extremely unacceptable.
As your future Commissioner, I will be committed to prioritizing the needs and desires of our local residents, their safety, our government’s credibility, transparency of ongoing affairs and that wasting hard earned taxpayer's dollars stops! If you would like to help me accomplish these goals, visit my website at to volunteer, donate and other ways you can help.
Thank you again for your continuous support!
Chris Massicotte