CEMEX Construction Looking to Avoid Comprehensive Plan Rules for Publix in Tavernier
At this month's BOCC meeting, CEMEX Construction proposed a Small Map Amendment, which would allow them to obtain the 86 building permits necessary for their workforce housing units, but not require them to follow the rules of the existing Comprehensive Plan, in which they must exchange early evacuation ROGOS 1-for-1. The entire purpose of the Comprehensive Plan is to protect the County from takings cases. If this moved forward, it would ensure the initial fear of the commissioners when the Comprehensive Plan originated that their 300 precious ROGOS set aside for administrative relief would end up being used in 2-3 large developments, leaving none for their original purpose.
County Staff determined that building the Publix and housing units would create a County Wide Impact, affecting the ability of a 24 evacuation during a hurricane, which is crucial to our residents. CEMEX did not appeal this decision when Staff made this determination. However, NOW they want an exception. County Staff are NOT comfortable with this amendment change as it could create a liability for the County.
Area Proposed for Publix and Workforce Housing in Tavernier
I was disturbed by my opponent’s point of view regarding this agenda item. Jim Scholl is in favor of expediting this project and approving the amendment without any regard for what residents want, OR for what experts and staff recommend. I strongly support workforce housing developments but I want them with no strings attached. This Publix will just bring more traffic, compromise your safety, and we will struggle to staff it.
As your commissioner, I will ensure your safety is my priority and not big developers. It is far more important that we are able to evacuate all residents from Key West to Key Largo in less than 24 hours with a serious hurricane approaching rather than build an unnecessary Publix.
To speak with me directly on this issue, email me at chris@chrisformonroe.com or call me at 305-394-1108. To make a donation to my campaign go to https://www.chrisformonroe.com/donate or click the button below.