BOCC Budget Meetings Are Coming- It’s Time to Pay Attention!
It’s July 1st and that means the 2025 budget meetings are about to begin. I’m hearing that there will be no tax or budget increases, even though consistent, large increases have become the expectation. Why do I think this will be the case? It is because WE are shining a very vocal light on these expenditures.
If no increases happen, they are either playing politics with your money, or they have incredibly poor planning. Why would there be the largest property tax increase in Monroe County history of 17% this year and then nothing next year? Why would there be a $147 million increase to the budget this year and nothing next year? Because we are finally paying attention and we are demanding answers.
Yet another example of the BOCC playing fast and loose with your money is the Waste Management non ad valorem tax increase. The County Staff recommended a 10% increase, which is what they felt appropriate to cover the necessary costs. My opponent, Jim Scholl, then DOUBLED it to 20%, insisting that this would just be a starting negotiating point. Negotiations are over, and the 20% stuck, costing taxpayers an additional $45.72 beyond what County Staff recommended. While this may not seem like a lot, when a renter can barely make ends meet, every unnecessary tax increase passed on to them can be the reason they can no longer afford to stay in the Keys. This is unacceptable.
“My opponent, Jim Scholl, then DOUBLED (the tax) to 20%....costing taxpayers an additional $45.72 beyond what County Staff recommended. ...Every unnecessary tax increase passed on to (renters) can be the reason they can no longer afford to stay in the Keys.”
We deserve consistent and transparent information as to why budgets are constantly increasing and that is not happening. When I am a County Commissioner I will ask the tough questions, look for ways to be more efficient with taxpayers dollars and not just in an election year, but every year because that will be my job. To look out for YOUR interests, NOT special interests.
This week we celebrate Independence Day and the freedom to decide which leaders we want to represent us in our government. I ask for your vote on November 5th to be the next County Commissioner to continue fighting for accountability, transparency and protecting your hard earned dollars.
Our team wishes you a safe and happy 4th of July!
To speak with me directly, email me at or call me at 305-394-1108. To make a donation to my campaign go to Please share this blog to anyone you think would want to be a part of our campaign.